Left-handed writing

Several days ago I broke my right hand–the hand that I write with.  Since then I’ve tried to learn how to write with my left hand.  I have found it to be a chore as well as a window into wisdom that can come only from depending on something we’ve neglected or ignored.  How does the Body of Christ honor the need we have to embrace what seems like our weaker parts?  What happens when some parts are so neglected that they atrophy and can’t be heard because they speak a language we do not understand?   And what if that kind of mistaken incompetence is exactly what we need to be revitalized?   Questions for a people waiting for resurrection.

“On the contrary,

we cannot do without the parts of the body

that seem to be weaker”  –I Corinthians 12:22

Left-handed Writing– A Poem from the Side that Hasn’t had Its Say

Left handed writing

slow deliberate

and scarcely respectable

strange incompetence

uncontrollable hieroglyphes

and doomed to be dismissed.

I encounter each letter

a familiar acquaintance

so I thought

then when I touch I bump

into a stranger instead

too taxed to figure some

other expression that

waits for its day


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