Poetry Month 2023 Post #3: The Wrens
April is #NationalPoetryMonth and I am posting a Poem-A-Day. The birds bring joy to these burgeoning days of Spring. And the wrens are hard at work.
The Wrens
Please whisper while the wrens build,
nesting their instinctive hope in
this barn sliver, this day of all days.
They elevate, collaborate, construct
with detritus and debris, the stuff
that makes a home around here.
I watch and feel the magnitude
of their tiny connection.
Mated for life. Builders of new
nest after new nest after new nest
the spotted eggs are feeding their
impulses to make this place
safe enough for a family
to grow.
In just a few weeks,
the flash of an eye, those
eggs will be winged and pulled away,
and the object of their determination
will have fledged, leaving these
two to look toward tomorrow’s purpose.
I am charmed and humbled.
They know the treasure of creating
together over and over again.
I ask you to watch, I whisper to
signal the still point, the gift of
two lives so devoted, knowing soon
this nest will be a memory.